Highwoods Golf Club
Social Dress Code

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Highwoods Clubhouse Dress Code

Function Dress Code:

For the comfort of all, we do expect everyone to be mindful of fellow members and guests - hence the following dress code. Please do respect this.

Formal Events (eg Christmas lunches, New Year’s Eve, Annual Dinner Dance)
· Dinner Jacket or lounge suit with tie

Presentation Events
· Jacket and tie for the recipients of awards (photos)
· Smart casual for everyone else

Semi-Formal Events (e.g., sit-down meals and entertainment)
· Jacket and tie optional. Smart collared shirt, or polo shirt. Trousers, chinos, or jeans
· Casual shoes, loafers, deck shoes

Informal Events (Quiz’s, BBQ, Discos, etc.)
· Casual dress, collared shirt, t-shirt, chinos, jeans, tailored shorts if weather is fine
· Smart trainers. Casual shoes or deck shoes

Please do not wear:
· Ripped jeans, cargo shorts, football, or other types of sports shirts or shorts, tracksuits
· Anything scruffy or dirty
· Beach-type Flip-flops or sliders

All social events will have the appropriate dress code displayed on sign-up sheets and on the notice boards.

The Captain’s decisions on any variations to the above must be respected.